Food for thought on marketing to youth at McCann’s first Talks on Toast event

April 5, 2017

Today’s young people are interested in – and worried about – much the same as previous generations despite the explosion of social media and on-demand information, according to new research revealed to South West marketers and business leaders.

But the way brands can engage with youth has changed dramatically, a global study on youth culture shows. The findings were shared at Talks on Toast, the first in a series of new breakfast briefings from McCann Bristol.

Talks on Toast, held at the Engine Shed in Bristol, unveiled a bite size version of McCann Truth Central’s newest global study Truth About Youth, which involved more than 30,000 interviews and more than 60 group discussions with people aged 16-30 across the globe.

Millennials are perhaps the most scrutinised and labelled generation in marketing. Instead of categorising this new breed of digitally empowered consumers artificially, Truth About Youth views youth culture as a sliding scale based on attitudes and values. The study uncovered some surprising facts, revealing that UK millennials thought it was ok to still live at home at 32, and suggested they dip in and out of adulthood.

The talk was designed to help businesses in the South West better understand how their brand can play a meaningful role in the lives of young people. 

Attendees were told that despite the fast-moving world of social media and communication, there are three enduring human truths about being young that are as true today as they ever were: finding yourself, finding your people and finding your place in the world. However, the context of how brands can engage with them has been completely reimagined.

The findings were presented by Rodney Collins, regional director EMEA at McCann Truth Central and Kathryn Ellis, planning director at McCann Bristol. Additionally, Yabs Macauley, UK & EMEA head of partnerships at Maker Studios presented some inspirational content, bringing the research to life.

Kathryn said: “This is McCann Truth Central’s most revealing study to date, focussing on three key truths about being young: finding yourself, finding your people and finding your place in the world. With the research we’re able to provide brands with a clear roadmap of how they can connect with young people across the globe.”

McCann Bristol managing director Andy Reid said: “Talks on Toast is the first in a series of breakfast briefings designed to provoke thought and share our latest thinking on an important cohort. It’s essential that we share McCann Truth Central research with brands across the South West, as well as London.”




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