The LAST WORD: Roger Wilkins, director, Cool Ventures

December 4, 2014

Each week Bath Business News gives a prominent member of the city’s business community the last word on its weekly e-bulletin.

This week Roger Wilkins, a director of business growth consultancy Cool Ventures, answers our 10 questions.

What was the LAST:

Film you watched?  Mr Turner directed by Mike Leigh.  Timothy Spall is superb as the artist JMW Turner and is supported by the best of the usual Mike Leigh cast in an engaging and gentle story about a single-minded and at times difficult genius.

Book you read?  Les Femmes de Gilles by Madeleine Bourdouxhe (translated into English!).  The Belgian author was hailed as a brilliant new talent when the book was first published in the 1930s but her career was interrupted by the Second World War and her activity in the Resistance.  The story is a very moving tale of love and betrayal set in 1930s Belgium and is told from perspective of the betrayed wife.

Music you bought or downloaded? Having disposed of my vinyl collection, I listen to music mostly on internet radio now and have a weakness for rockabilly, which is just so full of fun and energy it’s difficult not to smile and tap your feet.  My favourite artists include performers such as Chuck Berry and more contemporary bands like the Jive Aces and the Lennerockers. 

Concert you went to? On a recent visit to Wells Cathedral with relatives, we sat and listened to the Cathedral School Orchestra rehearsing for a performance. The skill demonstrated by such a talented group of young people was astounding and testament to their sheer hard work and dedication.

Sporting event you attended? I rarely watch live sport but a couple of years ago I stumbled across a local game of Pelote Basque in a small town in the Basque region. I spent an hour trying (unsuccessfully) to understand the rules and marvelling at the reactions of the players who could catch a ball that was travelling so fast it was difficult to keep sight of.

Holiday you went on? A weekend of ballroom and Latin dancing in Dawlish Warren organised by our dance teacher. Ballroom dancing is a great way to combine the ability to think quickly (literally on your feet!) and exercise at the same time.

Restaurant you ate in? My wife and I both enjoy cooking so we don’t eat out a great deal but on the way home from a holiday in South West France this summer, we had a brilliant meal in a small family restaurant called L’Improviste in Luc sur Mer on the Normandy coast. The atmosphere in the restaurant was relaxed and intimate, with at least three generations of the family involved in preparing and serving the meal.

Thing that annoyed you? Waiting for a builder who didn’t turn up. On the plus side he did call the next day and apologised.

Thing that made you laugh out loud? Trying to get up after having slipped over in mud during a walk in the Lake District. The harder I tried the more difficult it became.

Piece of good advice you were given? When looking for investment in a technology start-up and negotiating over the amount of equity to give away, I was reminded that 5% of something is a lot better than 100% of nothing!

Born in Wiltshire, Roger Wilkins founded Yate-based Cool Ventures in 2011 with his colleague Sue Marchant. Before becoming a full time business adviser in 2007, Roger spent more than 30 years in the IT industry as an infrastructure specialist and technical director. When not advising businesses on growth and investment, Roger enjoys ballroom dancing with his wife Cath.





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