Advanced manufacturing

BUDGET 2014: Help for exporters

March 19, 2014
BUDGET 2014: Help for exporters

Chancellor George Osborne delivered a major boost to the region’s exporters in his Budget today by announcing the amount of lending available to the UK firms doing business overseas will be doubled to £3bn. Interest rates charged on that lending will also be cut by a third, he said. And he gave some help...

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BUDGET 2014: Business wish-list

March 19, 2014
BUDGET 2014: Business wish-list

Business West has called on Chancellor George Osborne to use today’s Budget to focus on youth employment, training and enterprise – all crucial to securing future growth and avoiding a ‘lost generation’ as the UK economy continues to recover, it says. In its 2014 Budget submission, the business support organisation, which runs the Bath...

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Agreement over derelect site gives boost to Bath’s ambitious Innovation Quay plan

March 19, 2014
Agreement over derelect site gives boost to Bath’s ambitious Innovation Quay plan

Development of Bath’s Quays South, which will form a major part of the city’s planned Innovation Quay scheme, has moved a step closer following talks between defence group BMT and Bath and North East Somerset Council. They have reached an outline agreement on how the two parties can work together to redevelop the area...

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Bath area directors urged not to miss out on region’s top boardroom awards

March 18, 2014
Bath area directors urged not to miss out on region’s top boardroom awards

Directors in firms across Bath and Somerset have less than two weeks to enter the region’s top business awards that recognise boardroom excellence and enterprise. The South West Institute of Directors (IoD) Awards 2014 are open to anyone working at director level in any type of business or organisation – they do not have...

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Event aims to generate interest in low-carbon future among Bath area firms and school students

March 13, 2014
Event aims to generate interest in low-carbon future among Bath area firms and school students

Bath businesses are being urged to take part in a cutting-edge event for young people to highlight the skills and job opportunities available in an innovative low-carbon economy. Called Your Green Future, it will feature industry thinkers and experts who will advise and inspire more than 400 secondary school students from across Bath and...

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£108m German acquisition gives drugs firm Vectura new firepower to treat lung disease

March 13, 2014
£108m German acquisition gives drugs firm Vectura new firepower to treat lung disease

Chippenham-based drug development firm Vectura today strengthened its position in the respiratory diseases treatment market with the €130m (£108m) acquisition of specialist German pharmaceutical company Activaero. Privately-owned Activaero’s proprietary smart nebuliser-based technology targets drugs at particular areas of the lung. It is currently part in seven clinical and several pre-clinical stage programmes. Vectura, which...

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Strong interest in Bath’s Innovation Quay scheme as it is showcased to global property developers

March 12, 2014
Strong interest in Bath’s Innovation Quay scheme as it is showcased to global property developers

Bath’s pioneering Innovation Quay area has been showcased to potential developers and investors at the world’s largest commercial property industry gathering. The 6.5-acre site which straddles the River Avon west of Churchill Bridge, is allowing the city to promote itself as a centre for innovation capable of attracting businesses in the creative and hi-tech...

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Rapid expansion on the cards at Fascia Graphics as it joins high-growth scheme

March 6, 2014
Rapid expansion on the cards at Fascia Graphics as it joins high-growth scheme

Specialist manufacturer Fascia Graphics aims to double its turnover in just four years with the support of a Government-backed scheme for high-growth firms.  The Chippenham-based firm has recruited six apprentices under the GrowthAccelerator programme, a unique service led by some of the UK’s most successful growth specialists, to spur its expansion. Fascia, a market...

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China ‘Smart Cities’ mission will plug into Bath’s micro-chip innovation

February 26, 2014
China ‘Smart Cities’ mission will plug into Bath’s micro-chip innovation

Bath’s world-class expertise in micro-electronics could play a crucial role in the recently-announced Smart Cities Trade Mission to China later this year. The West of England boasts the world’s second-largest cluster of micro-chip design expertise outside of California’s Silicon Valley. The Bath area is home to leading-edge chip design firms such as Picochip, now...

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Higher sales lead to strong rebound in confidence for the West’s small manufacturers

February 25, 2014
Higher sales lead to strong rebound in confidence for the West’s small manufacturers

Further evidence of recovery among small and medium-sized West manufacturers emerged today with figures showing ‘significant’ growth over the past six months and plans for increased investment this year. The results, from the latest Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) Barometer survey, show 64% of firms increased sales in the second half of last year. At...

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