Event: Digital leadership to go under the spotlight at Bath Unlimited’s next leadership session

May 2, 2024

A series of events aimed at developing the leadership skills of Bath businesses will put the focus on digital leadership at its next gathering.

Coinciding with the city’s Digital Festival, the session on Tuesday 14 May will be the third quarterly leadership development evening staged by Bath Unlimited, the organisation that celebrates the city’s world-class companies and their talented employees. 

The series’ mission is to build greater insights and share experiences and reflections on leadership, specifically how to lead more consciously.

Staged in partnership with Farleigh Performance, the consultancy arm of Bath Rugby, the event will explore what digital has to offer and how it can be navigated in a fast-moving environment and at a time of increasingly significant challenge.

David Kelly, CEO of Bath digital technology consultancy Storm, will facilitate a series of interactive conversations around four themes – digital transformation, digital futures, digital divide and digital inclusion.

This will be led by an expert panel, each bringing insight, experience and expertise to the discussion.

Through these conversations, attendees will have an opportunity, with input from the panel, to explore how to approach digital-related challenges as leaders.

On the panel will be: 

  • Mark Reed, CEO, Digital Advisory, who will talk about digital transformation,
  • Richard Godfrey, CEO, Rocketmakers, who will lead on digital futures
  • Annie Legge, co-founder of Tech4Good South West and Dot Project, who will speak about the digital divide,
  • Fiona Dawson, director, Mayden, who will look at digital inclusion.

The event aims to raise awareness of Bath’s own digital divide and share ideas about how we it can be addressed.

The session takes place between 5:30pm and 8:30pm at Newark Works, Foundry Lane, Bath BA2 3DZ

Those attending will be able to collect Bath Unlimited’s top tips cards, which have practical actions that can be taken on improving resilience and ‘quiet leadership’.

For more information or to book, click here 

For more information about Bath Digital Festival, click here


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